I am a proud father, committed husband, respected finance expert, and trustworthy neighbor who will RESTORE THE VOICE OF RESIDENTS IN CITY HALL!

Vote on August 20 and November 5

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Like you, I am genuinely concerned about our city’s direction. City Hall is not listening to residents, and the consequence of this pattern is threatening the quality of life for all of us. I will change that immediately and without hesitation as your councilperson. In the past year, we have witnessed council double their pay despite public outcry; inappropriately allocate tax-payer funds to projects that residents oppose; hinder relationships with agencies that cost residents a much-needed flood insurance discount; ignore continuous infrastructure problems that leave residents vulnerable; delay essential recovery from Hurricane Ian. Our government is not listening. The decisions made today will set the course for the safe, family-friendly, and economically stable city that we all value. Versus becoming yet another over-populated, traffic-burdened, jobs starved city littered with crime and unsustainable growth. We must learn from the lessons of neighboring municipalities and avoid allowing ambitions to tarnish the legacy we leave for our children. I urge you to support my campaign for District 4. With your help and your voice, I am committed to restore your faith in City Hall.

Dear neighbor,

Commitment to Transparency
Fiscal Responsibility
Putting Resident Voices First
Integrity & Family Values

We must be a council that bridges information between key players and residents. Information must flow freely to ensure our community is knowledgeable of how their taxes are spent.

Community Focus

Council must listen to residents and make decisions in accordance with the will of the people. We must make every effort to engage tax-payers in all the ins-outs of city business.

As a finance professional with 20 years of experience, I will look deeply into city expenditures to ensure that our government is not misspending and overspending tax dollars.

As your councilperson, my ethical responsibility to the residents of Cape Coral will be unwavering when it comes to all decisions regarding the present and future of our city.

As councilmembers we must carefully evaluate the projects that we invest in because every decision we make today will leave a positive or negative legacy for future generations.

Invite Me To a Private Meet & Greet or Club Meeting

I would be delighted to visit you and your friends, or speak at your upcoming club event. I believe in the knowledge and expertise of my neighbors, which is why I am committed to return the VOICE OF RESIDENTS TO CITY HALL.

Stay Informed and Involved! Register Below.

Beth Mathis of District 4, Save Jaycee Park

"I met William after Hurricane Ian, when he selflessly went around our neighborhood and helped almost 100 elderly residents to remove debris from their home. For weeks he passed around water and made sure everyone had access to gas for their cars. Since then, he has been such a caring and committed neighbor. I've called on him many times and he has always been dependable. He is smart, trustworthy, and such a great listener. I can't think of anyone better to return city council back to the people."

Wayne Larsen of District 4 Neighbor

"My wife and I would like to wholeheartedly endorse William Matthews for City Council. It has been a pleasure to have William and his family as neighbors in the Pelican area. William has an extensive background in finance, as well as being involved in nonprofit work. He is very community-minded. After Hurricane Ian, William was helpful to all his neighbors to clean-up the storm damage, especially older ones who were not able to do so for themselves. We believe William will make an exemplary councilperson for our district."

What My Neighbors Have to Say

Vicky of District 4 Neighbor

"I have immense confidence that William will bring respectable character and strong financial capacities to the council, in order to intelligently speak on behalf of us residents. Due to his experience, I believe he will ask the right questions and evaluate situations in a way that pays tribute to residents. William is a well-respected father, husband, and professional in finance. His character is unmatched and will be an extraordinary representative of the families that call the City of Cape Coral home. We need him now more than ever!"

Kevin McGrail, Former Councilman, District 6

"William Matthews is the BEST choice for Cape Coral Council District 4. We need a fighter for the residents. We need a strong voice to speak on our behalf when the mayor gavels down the citizens at exactly 3 minutes. Or, has them arrested if they don't meekly sit at the council meetings. As a 34 year resident and former councilman, this is NOT the Cape Coral I have lived in all these years! We need a fiscal conservative who respects the resident’s input and isn't afraid to challenge our current out of control mayor. Vote William Matthews to be YOUR voice on council from district 4."

Syd Peterson of District 4, Save Jaycee Park

"William Matthews understands all of the resident's concerns on water infrastructure! He has straight forward answers and won't conceal what the council is up to, like the current electeds. He's real and deserves to be our next councilman."

Kathleen Lopez, Save Jaycee Park

"William Matthews is a breath of fresh air for the residents of what used to be a beautiful, welcoming city that respected our citizens, protected and appreciated our natural beauty, welcomed businesses and kept spending and taxes under control, but NOT under this Mayor and City Council! Matthews' values stand out in sharp contrast to the disrespect, lies, deceit and uncontrolled spending that is destroying our once beautiful City of Cape Coral. His financial experience, integrity and honesty will correct the self destructive course of our City Council, Mayor, City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and City Attorney. We need William Matthews to win in District 4 and save our City and Jaycee Park from destruction."